You'll also be able to create your own advertising tour. Select a few strategic locations where you want your ad to be seen, and convert the in-between driving time into more exposure time. The car, on the move, will also catch the eye of all the other drivers. The Stop&Go offer will allow you to reach a more diverse and more spread-out audience.
You have a restaurant in Calella that opens all year long. You need local people to know about it. Here is what we can do for you:
Suggested route : Itinerary “Supermarkets” (Parking Esclat Hipermercado - Cr del Maestre Sagrera - Cr Torres i Jonama - Cr Pompeu Fabra - Parking Lidl - Parking Carrefour - Av d’Espanya - Parking Esclat - Av d’Espanya - Parking Mercadona - Parking Aldi)
Suggested times and frequency: every Friday 4pm-9pm October to March
Indicative price: 1000€/month